When you commit to truthful communication, you open up a path in life. That path is the path of honesty. If you walk the path of honesty, you will repel people who don’t like you as you truly are. That’s a good thing. People who don’t really like you don’t add anything of value to…
Do Something Good, Once
I read an article years ago that a made point that’s stuck with me: One is infinitely more than zero. The difference between two and three, of anything, is only one. The difference between zero and one is also one. But if you’re talking about life instead of abstract numbers, the difference between zero and…
The Rules of Drama
They say television can be educational. I agree, but usually when I think of educational television I think of documentaries, historical dramatizations, biographical movies, and shows for children. But what about the other stuff? Is there anything educational to be gleaned from shows like Lost or How I Met Your Mother? I think there is.…
On Commitment
Here’s a quote I love from one of my favorite books, The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason: When I set a task for myself, I complete it. Therefore, I am careful not to start difficult and impractical tasks, because I love leisure. The statement is part of a retort given by Arkad, the…
Orienting Your Life
Life doesn’t come with a compass. Time doesn’t pause for us to find the way forward. How do we orient ourselves in this life? There have been many answers to this question, many of which were given by much wiser people than I. My answer starts with the understanding that the meaning of life is…